i lov e yo iu so muc h and i want u to kmnow how special and prec you ar reew i jus tread you r ims properly and.... ther hre was only one person whos prop er cried ove r me but its different ur different. y o u're sp escial. i love yo u so mcu h. and i wa nt you to know never to bla me urself in a rela tionship bc if i dont ever bl a,e yo u for anything you shoul d never b lame nyourself and i love you. lets fac e it h ow many times have we told o ur selves a rela tionshi p would last and how kna y toimes hav e we sa;d " i love you forveer" and it never worked ou t. b ut i want you to know. i f i e veer lose yo u pl ease know i/d never forget you . youd ehar mea br ing up ab out m y ex boyff riedns before. t hat s becaus etheyve been i n my life and they mean so mething.
y ou m ean something
and righ tnow y ou mean every thing
ever ythuing i cou ld ever ask for.
so i l ove you dont yo u ever cry bec ause of me because ur so special and preci oius you're suha perf li l boy i l ove you <3